

Improved Model Checking of Hierarchical Systems

15 years 9 days ago
Improved Model Checking of Hierarchical Systems
We present a unified game-based approach for branching-time model checking of hierarchical systems. Such systems are exponentially more succinct than standard state-transition graphs, as repeated sub-systems are described only once. Early work on model checking of hierarchical systems shows that one can do better than a naive algorithm that "flattens" the system and removes the hierarchy. Given a hierarchical system S and a branching-time specification for it, we reduce the model-checking problem (does S satisfy ?) to the problem of solving a hierarchical game obtained by taking the product of S with an alternating tree automaton A for . Our approach leads to clean, uniform, and improved model-checking algorithms for a variety of branching-time temporal logics. In particular, by improving the algorithm for solving hierarchical parity games, we are able to solve the model-checking problem for the ?-calculus in Pspace and time complexity that is only polynomial in the depth o...
Benjamin Aminof, Orna Kupferman, Aniello Murano
Added 05 Mar 2010
Updated 08 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Benjamin Aminof, Orna Kupferman, Aniello Murano
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