Cache-oblivious algorithms have the advantage of achieving good sequential cache complexity across all levels of a multi-level cache hierarchy, regardless of the specifics (cache size and cache line size) of each level. In this paper, we describe cache-oblivious sorting algorithms with optimal work, optimal cache complexity and polylogarithmic depth. Using known mappings, these lead to low cache complexities on shared-memory multiprocessors with a single level of private caches or a single shared cache. Moreover, the low cache complexities extend to shared-memory multiprocessors with common configurations of multi-level caches. The key factor in the low cache complexity on multiprocessors is the low depth of the algorithms we propose. Categories and Subject Descriptors: F.2.2 [Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity]: Nonnumerical Algorithms and
Guy E. Blelloch, Phillip B. Gibbons, Harsha Vardha