In distributed storage systems, erasure codes represent an attractive solution to add redundancy to stored data while limiting the storage overhead. They are able to provide the same reliability as replication requiring much less storage space. Erasure coding breaks the data into pieces that are encoded and then stored on different nodes. However, when storage nodes permanently abandon the system, new redundant pieces must be created. For erasure codes, generating a new piece requires the transmission of k pieces over the network, resulting in a k times higher reconstruction traffic as compared to replication. Dimakis proposed a new class of codes, called Regenerating Codes, which are able to provide both the storage efficiency of erasure codes and the communication efficiency of replication. However, Dimakis gave only a theoretical description of the codes without discussing implementation issues or computational costs. We have done a real implementation of Random Linear Regenerat...
Alessandro Duminuco, Ernst W. Biersack