

A New Statistical Optimization Algorithm for Gate Sizing

14 years 11 months ago
A New Statistical Optimization Algorithm for Gate Sizing
— In this paper, we approach the gate sizing problem in VLSI circuits in the context of increasing variability of process and circuit parameters as technology scales into the nanometer regime. We present a statistical sizing approach that takes into account randomness in gate delays by formulating a robust linear program that can be solved efficiently. We demonstrate the efficiency and computational tractability of the proposed algorithm on the various ISCAS’85 benchmark circuits. Across the benchmarks, compared to the deterministic approach, the power savings range from 23 − 30% for the same timing target and the yield level, the average power saving being 28%. The runtime is reasonable, ranging from a few seconds to around 10 mins, and grows linearly.
Murari Mani, Michael Orshansky
Added 16 Mar 2010
Updated 16 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICCD
Authors Murari Mani, Michael Orshansky
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