

A linear-time approach for static timing analysis covering all process corners

15 years 1 hour ago
A linear-time approach for static timing analysis covering all process corners
Abstract—Manufacturing process variations lead to circuit timing variability and a corresponding timing yield loss. Traditional corner analysis consists of checking all process corners (combinations of process parameter extremes) to make sure that circuit timing constraints are met at all corners, typically by running static timing analysis (STA) at every corner. This approach is becoming too expensive due to the increase in the number of corners with modern processes. As an alternative, we propose a linear-time approach for STA which covers all process corners in a single pass. Our technique assumes a linear dependence of delays and slews on process parameters and provides estimates of the worst case circuit delay and slew. It exhibits high accuracy in practice, and if the circuit has m gates and n relevant process parameters, the complexity of the algorithm is O(mn).
Sari Onaissi, Farid N. Najm
Added 16 Mar 2010
Updated 16 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Sari Onaissi, Farid N. Najm
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