

Implementing an untrusted operating system on trusted hardware

15 years 8 hour ago
Implementing an untrusted operating system on trusted hardware
Recently, there has been considerable interest in providing “trusted computing platforms” using hardware — TCPA and Palladium being the most publicly visible examples. In this paper we discuss our experience with building such a platform using a traditional time-sharing operating system executing on XOM — a processor architecture that provides copy protection and tamper-resistance functions. In XOM, only the processor is trusted; main memory and the operating system are not trusted. Our operating system (XOMOS) manages hardware resources for applications that don’t trust it. This requires a division of responsibilities between the operating system and hardware that is unlike previous systems. We describe techniques for providing traditional operating systems services in this context. Since an implementation of a XOM processor does not exist, we use SimOS to simulate the hardware. We modify IRIX 6.5, a commercially available operating system to create XOMOS. We are then able ...
David Lie, Chandramohan A. Thekkath, Mark Horowitz
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SOSP
Authors David Lie, Chandramohan A. Thekkath, Mark Horowitz
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