

Triage: diagnosing production run failures at the user's site

14 years 11 months ago
Triage: diagnosing production run failures at the user's site
Diagnosing production run failures is a challenging yet important task. Most previous work focuses on offsite diagnosis, i.e. development site diagnosis with the programmers present. This is insufficient for production-run failures as: (1) it is difficult to reproduce failures offsite for diagnosis; (2) offsite diagnosis cannot provide timely guidance for recovery or security purposes; (3) it is infeasible to provide a programmer to diagnose every production run failure; and (4) privacy concerns limit the release of information (e.g. coredumps) to programmers. To address production-run failures, we propose a system, called Triage, that automatically performs onsite software failure diagnosis at the very moment of failure. It provides a detailed diagnosis report, including the failure nature, triggering conditions, related code and variables, the fault propagation chain, and potential fixes. Triage achieves this by leveraging lightweight reexecution support to efficiently capture t...
Joseph Tucek, Shan Lu, Chengdu Huang, Spiros Xanth
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SOSP
Authors Joseph Tucek, Shan Lu, Chengdu Huang, Spiros Xanthos, Yuanyuan Zhou
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