

Secure compilation of a multi-tier web language

14 years 11 months ago
Secure compilation of a multi-tier web language
Storing state in the client tier (in forms or cookies, for example) improves the efficiency of a web application, but it also renders the secrecy and integrity of stored data vulnerable to untrustworthy clients. We study this general problem in the context of the LINKS multi-tier web-programming language. Like other systems, LINKS stores unencrypted application data, including web continuations, on the client tier; hence, LINKS is open to attacks that expose secrets, and modify control flow and application data. We characterise these attacks as failures of the general principle that security properties of multi-tier applications should follow simply from review of the source code (as opposed to the detailed study of the files compiled for each tier, for example). We propose a secure compilation strategy, which uses authenticated encryption to eliminate these threats, and we implement it as a simple extension to the LINKS system. We model this compilation strategy as a translation f...
Ioannis G. Baltopoulos, Andrew D. Gordon
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where TLDI
Authors Ioannis G. Baltopoulos, Andrew D. Gordon
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