

Predictive text input in a mobile shopping assistant: methods and interface design

14 years 11 months ago
Predictive text input in a mobile shopping assistant: methods and interface design
The fundamental nature of grocery shopping makes it an interesting domain for intelligent mobile assistants. Even though the central role of shopping lists is widely recognized, relatively little attention has been paid to facilitating shopping list creation and management. In this paper we introduce a predictive text input technique that is based on association rules and item frequencies. We also describe an interface design for integrating the predictive text input with a web-based mobile shopping assistant. In a user study we compared two interfaces, one with text input support and one without. Our results indicate that, even though shopping list entries are typically short, our technique makes text input significantly faster, decreases typing error rates and increases overall user satisfaction. Author Keywords user interface, adaptive, recommendations, usability ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 Information interfaces and presentation: User interfaces; H.3.5 Information storage ...
Petteri Nurmi, Andreas Forsblom, Patrik Flor&eacut
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IUI
Authors Petteri Nurmi, Andreas Forsblom, Patrik Floréen, Peter Peltonen, Petri Saarikko
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