

Maintaining Coherent Views over Dynamic Distributed Data

14 years 9 months ago
Maintaining Coherent Views over Dynamic Distributed Data
Data delivered today over the web reflects rapid and unpredictable changes in the world around us. We are increasingly relying on content that provides dynamic, interactive, personalized experiences. To achieve this, the content of most web pages is created dynamically, by executing queries dynamically, using data that changes dynamically from distributed sources identified dynamically. A typical web page presents a "view" of the world constructed from multiple sources. In this paper, we examine the nature of dynamics of distributed data and discuss fresh approaches to maintain the coherency of the views seen by the users. Achieving such coherency while developing scalable low-overhead solutions poses challenges in terms of delivering data with the required fidelity in spite of data dynamics as well as failures in the infrastructure. How these challenges can be met by the judicious design of algorithms for data dissemination, caching, and cooperation forms the crux of our wor...
Krithi Ramamritham
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Krithi Ramamritham
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