

Facetedpedia: dynamic generation of query-dependent faceted interfaces for wikipedia

14 years 10 months ago
Facetedpedia: dynamic generation of query-dependent faceted interfaces for wikipedia
We propose Facetedpedia, a faceted retrieval system for information discovery and exploration in Wikipedia. Given the set of Wikipedia articles resulting from a keyword query, Facetedpedia generates a faceted interface for navigating the result articles. Compared with other traditional faceted retrieval systems, Facetedpedia is fully automatic and dynamic in both facets generation and hierarchy construction, and the facets are based on the rich semantic information from Wikipedia. The essence of our approach is to build upon the collaborative vocabulary in Wikipedia, more specifically the intensive internal structures (hyperlinks) and folksonomy (category system). Given the sheer size and complexity of Wikipedia, the space of possible choices of faceted interfaces is prohibitively large. We propose metrics for ranking individual facet hierarchies by user’s navigational cost, and metrics for ranking interfaces (each with
Chengkai Li, Ning Yan, Senjuti Basu Roy, Lekhendro
Added 14 May 2010
Updated 14 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where WWW
Authors Chengkai Li, Ning Yan, Senjuti Basu Roy, Lekhendro Lisham, Gautam Das
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