

Standardized Device Services - A Design Pattern for Service Oriented Integration of Medical Devices

14 years 7 months ago
Standardized Device Services - A Design Pattern for Service Oriented Integration of Medical Devices
Service oriented device architecture (SODA) is a promising approach for enabling a continuous IT support of medical processes in hospitals. However, there is a lack of specific design patterns for realizing the concept in an effective and efficient way. This paper addresses this research gap by introducing the Standardized Device Service design pattern, as a first fundamental pattern for encapsulating devices as services. The pattern is based on both established Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) best practices as well as latest research in the field of SODA. This paper contributes to a) the extension of the IT support of medical processes by devices, b) the general concept of SODA by addressing the lack of generalized design concepts, and c) the existing catalog of SOA design patterns by introducing a first pattern for device integration.
Christian Mauro, Ali Sunyaev, Jan Marco Leimeister
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Christian Mauro, Ali Sunyaev, Jan Marco Leimeister, Helmut Krcmar
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