

Enhancing directed content sharing on the web

14 years 9 months ago
Enhancing directed content sharing on the web
To find interesting, personally relevant web content, people rely on friends and colleagues to pass links along as they encounter them. In this paper, we study and augment linksharing via e-mail, the most popular means of sharing web content today. Armed with survey data indicating that active sharers of novel web content are often those that actively seek it out, we developed FeedMe, a plug-in for Google Reader that makes directed sharing of content a more salient part of the user experience. FeedMe recommends friends who may be interested in seeing content that the user is viewing, provides information on what the recipient has seen and how many emails they have received recently, and gives recipients the opportunity to provide lightweight feedback when they appreciate shared content. FeedMe introduces a novel design space within mixed-initiative social recommenders: friends who know the user voluntarily vet the material on the user’s behalf. We performed a two-week field experime...
Michael S. Bernstein, Adam Marcus 0002, David R. K
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CHI
Authors Michael S. Bernstein, Adam Marcus 0002, David R. Karger, Robert C. Miller
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