

Video microblogging: your 12 seconds of fame

14 years 7 months ago
Video microblogging: your 12 seconds of fame
Microblogging is a recently popular phenomenon and with the increasing trend for video cameras to be built into mobile phones, a new type of microblogging has entered the arena of electronic communication: video microblogging. In this study we examine video microblogging, which is the broadcasting of short videos. A series of semi-structured interviews offers an understanding of why and how video microblogging is used and what the users post and broadcast. Keywords Microblogging, social networking, online communities, video content ACM Classification Keywords H.4.1 Information Systems Applications: Groupware General Terms Human Factors
Nis Bornoe, Louise Barkhuus
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CHI
Authors Nis Bornoe, Louise Barkhuus
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