

Creative idea exploration within the structure of a guiding framework: the card brainstorming game

14 years 7 months ago
Creative idea exploration within the structure of a guiding framework: the card brainstorming game
I present a card brainstorming exercise that transforms a conceptual tangible interaction framework into a tool for creative dialogue and discuss the experiences made in using it. Ten sessions with this card game demonstrate the frameworks’ versatility and utility. Observation and participant feedback highlight the value of a provocative question format and of the metaphor of a card game. Author Keywords Ideation, tangible, embodied, design, creativity, analysis ACM Classification Keywords H5.2. User Interfaces: Theory and Methods General Terms Design, Human Factors, Theory
Eva Hornecker
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where TEI
Authors Eva Hornecker
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