

Cartouche: conventions for tangibles bridging diverse interactive systems

14 years 9 months ago
Cartouche: conventions for tangibles bridging diverse interactive systems
We describe an approach for a class of tangible interaction elements that are applicable across a broad variety of interactive systems. These tangibles share certain physical, visual, tagging, and software conventions, while fostering diversity in many aspects of design and function. Building on related techniques using paper and graspable artifacts as interactive embodiments of digital information, we propose several fixed and free parameters, present illustrative examples and applications, and discuss the resulting design space. Author Keywords core tangibles; domain tangibles; cartouche tangibles; tangible menus; tangible interfaces; reality-based interaction ACM Classification Keywords
Brygg Ullmer, Zachary Dever, Rajesh Sankaran, Corn
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where TEI
Authors Brygg Ullmer, Zachary Dever, Rajesh Sankaran, Cornelius Toole, Chase Freeman, Brooke Cassady, Cole Wiley, Mohamed Diabi, Alvin Wallace Jr., Michael DeLatin, Blake Tregre, Kexi Liu, Srikanth Jandhyala, Robert Kooima, Chris Branton, Rod Parker
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