In this paper we propose SKIN as an interdisciplinary design approach for sophisticated interactive surfaces, with an emphasis on their meanings and aesthetic qualities. SKIN: Surface Kinetics INterface, aims at integrating conceptdriven design process and exploratory critical engagement with forms and materials into current user-centered design approaches in HCI research. The procedures of developing three design concepts and prototyping one of them—an interactive lampshade—are described in detail to illustrate the proposed approach. The narrative of the design process is followed by a pilot study and designer reflection, suggesting the broader epistemological and methodological implications of this kind of approach. Author Keywords Interactive surfaces, meanings, aesthetics, metaphor from living creatures, designerly approach ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous. General Terms Design
Heekyoung Jung, Youngsuk L. Altieri, Jeffrey Bardz