

A region based stereo matching algorithm using cooperative optimization

15 years 5 months ago
A region based stereo matching algorithm using cooperative optimization
This paper presents a new stereo matching algorithm based on inter-regional cooperative optimization. The proposed algorithm uses regions as matching primitives and defines the corresponding region energy functional for matching by utilizing the color Statistics of regions and the constraints on smoothness and occlusion between adjacent regions. In order to obtain a more reasonable disparity map, a cooperative optimization procedure has been employed to minimize the matching costs of all regions by introducing the cooperative and competitive mechanism between regions. Firstly, a color based segmentation method is used to segment the reference image into regions with homogeneous color. Secondly, a local window-based matching method is used to determine the initial disparity estimate of each image pixel. And then, a voting based plane fitting technique is applied to obtain the parameters of disparity plane corresponding to each image region. Finally, the disparity plane parameters of al...
Zeng-Fu Wang, Zhi-Gang Zheng
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 28 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CVPR
Authors Zeng-Fu Wang, Zhi-Gang Zheng
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