

Myglobe: a navigation service based on cognitive maps

14 years 8 months ago
Myglobe: a navigation service based on cognitive maps
Myglobe is a user generated navigation service that enables users to share each cognitive map with one another. Cognitive map is a personalized map, shape of which is emphasized according to user's preference and activity in the city. It facilitates users to look back on their own city and have a new understanding by using an application in smart phones and physically interacting with a globe shaped device. In this paper, we present Myglobe service for users to achieve a new city experience with cognitive maps. Author Keywords Cognitive Map, Interaction Design, Locative Media ACM Classification Keywords H5.m Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous. General Terms Design, Human Factors
Takuo Imbe, Fumitaka Ozaki, Shin Kiyasu, Yusuke Mi
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where TEI
Authors Takuo Imbe, Fumitaka Ozaki, Shin Kiyasu, Yusuke Mizukami, Shuichi Ishibashi, Masa Inakage, Naohito Okude, Adrian David Cheok, Masahiko Inami, Maki Sugimoto
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