

Fair Blind Signatures without Random Oracles

14 years 9 months ago
Fair Blind Signatures without Random Oracles
A fair blind signature is a blind signature with revocable anonymity and unlinkability, i.e., an authority can link an issuing session to the resulting signature and trace a signature to the user who requested it. In this paper we first revisit the security model for fair blind signatures given by Hufschmitt and Traor´e in 2007. We then give the first practical fair blind signature scheme with a security proof in the standard model. Our scheme satisfies a stronger variant of the Hufschmitt-Traor´e model. Keywords. Blind signatures, Revocable anonymity, Standard model, Groth-Sahai proof system.
Georg Fuchsbauer, Damien Vergnaud
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Georg Fuchsbauer, Damien Vergnaud
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