

Towards Automatic Detection and Tracking of Topic Change

14 years 9 months ago
Towards Automatic Detection and Tracking of Topic Change
We present an approach for automatic detection of topic change. Our approach is based on the analysis of statistical features of topics in time-sliced corpora and their dynamics over time. Processing large amounts of time-annotated news text, we identify new facets regarding a stream of topics consisting of latest news of public interest. Adaptable as an addition to the well known task of topic detection and tracking we aim to boil down a daily news stream to its novelty. For that we examine the contextual shift of the concepts over time slices. To quantify the amount of change, we adopt the volatility measure from econometrics and propose a new algorithm for frequency-independent detection of topic drift and change of meaning. The proposed measure does not rely on plain word frequency but the mixture of the co-occurrences of words. So, the analysis is highly independent of the absolute word frequencies and works over the whole frequency spectrum, especially also well for low-frequent ...
Florian Holz, Sven Teresniak
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Florian Holz, Sven Teresniak
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