

Managing Dynamic Mixed Workloads for Operational Business Intelligence

14 years 7 months ago
Managing Dynamic Mixed Workloads for Operational Business Intelligence
Abstract. As data warehousing technology gains a ubiquitous presence in business today, companies are becoming increasingly reliant upon the information contained in their data warehouses to inform their operational decisions. This information, known as business intelligence (BI), traditionally has taken the form of nightly or monthly reports and batched analytical queries that are run at specific times of day. However, as the time needed for data to migrate into data warehouses has decreased, and as the amount of data stored has increased, business intelligence has come to include metrics, streaming analysis, and reports with expected delivery times that are measured in hours, minutes, or seconds. The challenge is that in order to meet the necessary response times for these operational business intelligence queries, a given warehouse must be able to support at any given time multiple types of queries, possibly with different sets of performance objectives for each type. In this paper...
Harumi A. Kuno, Umeshwar Dayal, Janet L. Wiener, K
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where DNIS
Authors Harumi A. Kuno, Umeshwar Dayal, Janet L. Wiener, Kevin Wilkinson, Archana Ganapathi, Stefan Krompass
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