The need for high-frequency signal acquisition and processing is becoming increasingly prevalent in sensor networks. Applications that require high-frequency data sampling are presently at a disadvantage; applications that only sample at high data rates (and not process any of it locally) end up transmitting large quantities of data, greatly reducing network lifetime. Other applications that do use in-network signal processing rely on power-hungry motes. We present Lakon, a mote architecture capable of onboard signal processing of high-frequency data that provides a middle ground for more general classes of applications that require signal processing. Our design takes advantage of an energy-efficient on-board digital signal processor (DSP) that can be intelligently enabled on demand. Our contribution here is threefold. First, we present a general mote architecture that is more appropriate for applications such as body sensor networks and habitat monitoring. Second, we present a switch...
Prashanth G. Reddy, Nigamanth Sridhar