

Visiting a Sequence of Points with a Bevel-Tip Needle

14 years 10 months ago
Visiting a Sequence of Points with a Bevel-Tip Needle
Abstract. Many surgical procedures could benefit from guiding a bevel-tip needle along circular arcs to multiple treatment points in a patient. At each treatment point, the needle can inject a radioactive pellet into a cancerous region or extract a tissue sample. Our main result is an algorithm to steer a bevel-tip needle through a sequence of treatment points in the plane while minimizing the number of times that the needle must be reoriented. This algorithm is related to [6] and takes quadratic time when consecutive points in the sequence are sufficiently separated. We can also guide a needle through an arbitrary sequence of points in the plane by accounting for a lack of optimal substructure. Key words: Needle Steering, Link Distance, Brachytherapy, Biopsy
Steven Bitner, Yam Ki Cheung, Atlas F. Cook, Ovidi
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Steven Bitner, Yam Ki Cheung, Atlas F. Cook, Ovidiu Daescu, Anastasia Kurdia, Carola Wenk
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