

The RIPE NCC Internet Measurement Data Repository

14 years 7 months ago
The RIPE NCC Internet Measurement Data Repository
Abstract. This paper describes datasets that will shortly be made available to the research community through an Internet measurement data repository operated by the RIPE NCC. The datasets include measurements collected by RIPE NCC projects, packet trace sets recovered from the defunct NLANR website and datasets collected and currently hosted by other research institutions. This work aims to raise awareness of these datasets amongst researchers and to promote discussion about possible changes to the data collection processes to ensure that the measurements are relevant and useful to the community.
Tony McGregor, Shane Alcock, Daniel Karrenberg
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where PAM
Authors Tony McGregor, Shane Alcock, Daniel Karrenberg
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