

On a Labeled Vehicle Routing Problem

14 years 7 months ago
On a Labeled Vehicle Routing Problem
In this paper, we study the complexity and (in)approximability of the minimum label vehicle routing problem. Given a simple complete graph G = (V, E) containing a special vertex 0 called the depot and where the edges are colored (labeled), the minimum label k-vehicle routing problem consists in finding a k-vehicle routing E′ , i.e. a collection of cycles of size at most k + 1 which all contain the depot 0, and such that every customer v ∈ V \ {0} is visited once, minimizing the number of colors used.
Hatem Chatti, Laurent Gourvès, Jér&o
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Hatem Chatti, Laurent Gourvès, Jérôme Monnot
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