

Human age estimation using bio-inspired features

14 years 9 months ago
Human age estimation using bio-inspired features
We investigate the biologically inspired features (BIF) for human age estimation from faces. As in previous bioinspired models, a pyramid of Gabor filters are used at all positions of the input image for the S1 units. But unlike previous models, we find that the pre-learned prototypes for the S2 layer and then progressing to C2 cannot work well for age estimation. We also propose to use Gabor filters with smaller sizes and suggest to determine the number of bands and orientations in a problem-specific manner, rather than using a predefined number. More importantly, we propose a new operator “STD” to encode the aging subtlety on faces. Evaluated on the large database YGA with 8,000 face images and the public available FG-NET database, our approach achieves significant improvements in age estimation accuracy over the state-of-the-art methods. By applying our system to some Internet face images, we show the robustness of our method and the potential of cross-race age estimation...
Guodong Guo, Guowang Mu, Yun Fu, Thomas S. Huang
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Guodong Guo, Guowang Mu, Yun Fu, Thomas S. Huang
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