

Digital Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border Collaboration: A Scientometric Study

14 years 9 months ago
Digital Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border Collaboration: A Scientometric Study
Digital cross-organizational and cross-border collaboration are emerging research issues. Significant drivers of this development are collaboration-related information systems. A structured discourse is essential here, due to the practical relevance and the interdisciplinary nature of this issue. This paper presents a scientometric study on publications focusing on digital collaboration in crossorganizational and cross-border settings. We reviewed 80 articles published in six leading journals, EJIS, ISJ, ISR, JAIS, JMIS, and MISQ, during the 2000-2007 period. Besides the topics of investigation, subjects to analysis were the distribution of the articles by journal and year, authorship characteristics, and composition and regional distribution of the involved research teams. The findings indicate that most papers are focused on cross-organizational issues while crossborder research is very rare. Moreover, the structure of the research teams significantly differs across journals, and th...
Maria Madlberger, Narcyz Roztocki
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Maria Madlberger, Narcyz Roztocki
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