

Diverse peer selection in collaborative web search

14 years 7 months ago
Diverse peer selection in collaborative web search
Effective peer selection for intelligent query routing is a challenge in collaborative peer-based Web search systems, especially unstructured networks that do not have any centralized control of peer document collections. In particular, routing a query to multiple peers that provide the same results is a waste of resources. To deal with overlapping document collections we propose a diverse peer selection approach for adaptive query routing. This approach takes into account not only which neighbors are the best resource providers for a given query, but also which combinations of neighbors can provide the least redundant results. We validate the feasibility of our proposed algorithm by presenting several simulation experiments conducted with different configurations of peer network environments. Two novel evaluation measures, distributed precision and distributed recall, are also introduced to provide an effective comparison of different peer network systems. These two performance meas...
Le-Shin Wu, Filippo Menczer
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SAC
Authors Le-Shin Wu, Filippo Menczer
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