

Link-based event detection in email communication networks

14 years 7 months ago
Link-based event detection in email communication networks
People’s email communications can be modeled as graphs with vertices representing email accounts and edges representing email communications. Email communication data usually comes in as continuous data stream. Event detection aims to identify abnormal email communications that serve as analogs of real-world events imposed upon the data stream. The goal is to understand the communications behaviors of the subjects. The contents of emails are often not available or protected by privacy, which makes linkage information the only resource we can rely on. We propose a linkbased event detection method that clusters vertices with similar communication patterns together and then, considers deviations from each vertex’s individual profile, as well as its cluster profile. Experiments show that this method performs well on both Enron and our own email datasets. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.4 [Social and Behavioral Sciences]: Sociology Keywords Event detection, communication network...
Xiaomeng Wan, Evangelos E. Milios, Nauzer Kalyaniw
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SAC
Authors Xiaomeng Wan, Evangelos E. Milios, Nauzer Kalyaniwalla, Jeannette Janssen
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