

Tracing for web 3.0: trace compilation for the next generation web applications

14 years 9 months ago
Tracing for web 3.0: trace compilation for the next generation web applications
Today’s web applications are pushing the limits of modern web browsers. The emergence of the browser as the platform of choice for rich client-side applications has shifted the use of in-browser JavaScript from small scripting programs to large computationally intensive application logic. For many web applications, JavaScript performance has become one of the bottlenecks preventing the development of even more interactive client side applications. While traditional just-in-time compilation is successful for statically typed virtual machine based languages like Java, compiling JavaScript turns out to be a challenging task. Many JavaScript programs and scripts are short-lived, and users expect a responsive browser during page loading. This leaves little time for compilation of JavaScript to generate machine code. We present a trace-based just-in-time compiler for JavaScript that uses run-time profiling to identify frequently executed code paths, which are compiled to executable machi...
Mason Chang, Edwin W. Smith, Rick Reitmaier, Micha
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where VEE
Authors Mason Chang, Edwin W. Smith, Rick Reitmaier, Michael Bebenita, Andreas Gal, Christian Wimmer, Brendan Eich, Michael Franz
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