

Top-k aggregation using intersections of ranked inputs

14 years 7 months ago
Top-k aggregation using intersections of ranked inputs
There has been considerable past work on efficiently computing top k objects by aggregating information from multiple ranked lists of these objects. An important instance of this problem is query processing in search engines: One has to combine information from several different posting lists (rankings) of web pages (objects) to obtain the top k web pages to answer user queries. Two particularly well-studied approaches to achieve efficiency in top-k aggregation include early-termination algorithms (e.g., TA and NRA) and preaggregation of some of the input lists. However, there has been little work on a rigorous treatment of combining these approaches. We generalize the TA and NRA algorithms to the case when preaggregated intersection lists are available in addition to the original lists. We show that our versions of TA and NRA continue to remain “instance optimal,” a very strong optimality notion that is a highlight of the original TA and NRA algorithms. Using an index of millio...
Ravi Kumar, Kunal Punera, Torsten Suel, Sergei Vas
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WSDM
Authors Ravi Kumar, Kunal Punera, Torsten Suel, Sergei Vassilvitskii
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