

Graph Theory

15 years 10 months ago
Graph Theory
A well-written book about graph theory.
Reinhard Diestel
Added 16 Feb 2009
Updated 16 Feb 2009
Authors Reinhard Diestel

Table of Content

1. The Basics
1.1 Graphs
1.2 The degree of a vertex
1.3 Paths and cycles
1.4 Connectivity
1.5 Trees and forests
1.6 Bipartite graphs
1.7 Contraction and minors
1.8 Euler tours
1.9 Some linear algebra
1.10 Other notions of graphs
2. Matching, Covering and Packing
2.1 Matching in bipartite graphs
2.2 Matching in general graphs
2.3 Packing and covering
2.4 Tree-packing and arboricity
2.5 Path covers
3. Connectivity
3.1 2-Connected graphs and subgraphs
3.2 The structure of 3-connected graphs
3.3 Menger’s theorem
3.4 Mader’s theorem
3.5 Linking pairs of vertices
4. Planar Graphs
4.1 Topological prerequisites
4.2 Plane graphs
4.3 Drawings
4.4 Planar graphs: Kuratowski’s theorem
4.5 Algebraic planarity criteria
4.6 Plane duality
5. Colouring
5.1 Colouring maps and planar graphs
5.2 Colouring vertices
5.3 Colouring edges
5.4 List colouring
5.5 Perfect graphs
6. Flows
6.1 Circulations
6.2 Flows in networks
6.3 Group-valued flows
6.4 k-Flows for small k
6.5 Flow-colouring duality
6.6 Tutte’s flow conjectures
7. Extremal Graph Theory
7.1 Subgraphs
7.2 Minors
7.3 Hadwiger’s conjecture
7.4 Szemer´edi’s regularity lemma
7.5 Applying the regularity lemma
8. Infinite Graphs
8.1 Basic notions, facts and techniques
8.2 Paths, trees, and ends
8.3 Homogeneous and universal graphs
8.4 Connectivity and matching
8.5 The topological end space
9. Ramsey Theory for Graphs
9.1 Ramsey’s original theorems
9.2 Ramsey numbers
9.3 Induced Ramsey theorems
9.4 Ramsey properties and connectivity
10. Hamilton Cycles
10.1 Simple sufficient conditions
10.2 Hamilton cycles and degree sequences
10.3 Hamilton cycles in the square of a graph
11. Random Graphs
11.1 The notion of a random graph
11.2 The probabilistic method
11.3 Properties of almost all graphs
11.4 Threshold functions and second moments
12. Minors, Trees and WQO
12.1 Well-quasi-ordering
12.2 The graph minor theorem for trees
12.3 Tree-decompositions
12.4 Tree-width and forbidden minors
12.5 The graph minor theorem
A. Infinite sets
B. Surfaces
Hints for all the exercises.
Symbol index
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