

Semi-formal Evaluation of Conversational Characters

14 years 6 months ago
Semi-formal Evaluation of Conversational Characters
Conversational dialogue systems cannot be evaluated in a fully formal manner, because dialogue is heavily dependent on context and current dialogue theory is not precise enough to specify a target output ahead of time. Instead, we evaluate dialogue systems in a semi-formal manner, using human judges to rate the coherence of a conversational character and correlating these judgments with measures extracted from within the system. We present a series of three evaluations of a single conversational character over the course of a year, demonstrating how this kind of evaluation helps bring about an improvement in overall dialogue coherence.
Ron Artstein, Sudeep Gandhe, Jillian Gerten, Anton
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Ron Artstein, Sudeep Gandhe, Jillian Gerten, Anton Leuski, David R. Traum
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