

GADDI: distance index based subgraph matching in biological networks

14 years 9 months ago
GADDI: distance index based subgraph matching in biological networks
Currently, a huge amount of biological data can be naturally represented by graphs, e.g., protein interaction networks, gene regulatory networks, etc. The need for indexing large graphs is an urgent research problem of great practical importance. The main challenge is size. Each graph may contain thousands (or more) vertices. Most of the previous work focuses on indexing a set of small or medium sized database graphs (with only tens of vertices) and finding whether a query graph occurs in any of these. In this paper, we are interested in finding all the matches of a query graph in a given large graph of thousands of vertices, which is a very important task in many biological applications. This increases the complexity significantly. We propose a novel distance measurement which reintroduces the idea of frequent substructures in a single large graph. We devise the novel structure distance based approach (GADDI) to efficiently find matches of the query graph. GADDI is further optim...
Shijie Zhang, Shirong Li, Jiong Yang
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EDBT
Authors Shijie Zhang, Shirong Li, Jiong Yang
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