

NNexus: an automatic linker for collaborative web-based corpora

14 years 10 months ago
NNexus: an automatic linker for collaborative web-based corpora
—In this paper, we introduce NNexus, a generalization of the automatic linking engine of Noosphere (at and the first system that automates the process of linking disparate “encyclopedia” entries into a fully-connected conceptual network. NNexus facilitates the extension of this functionality to multiple knowledge bases of this sort (such as Wikipedia and MathWorld) and to web-based information environments in general. We discuss the challenges of the problem space of linking in collaborative corpora, the approaches taken by NNexus, some aspects of evaluation, and ongoing and future directions of research.
James J. Gardner, Aaron Krowne, Li Xiong
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EDBT
Authors James J. Gardner, Aaron Krowne, Li Xiong
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