

Succession: Measuring transfer of code and developer productivity

14 years 9 months ago
Succession: Measuring transfer of code and developer productivity
Code ownership transfer or succession is a crucial ingredient in open source code reuse and in offshoring projects. Measuring succession can help understand factors that affect the success of such transfers and suggest ways to make them more efficient. We propose and evaluate several methods to measure succession based on the chronology and traces of developer activities. Based on ten instances of offshoring succession identified through interviews, we find that the best succession measure can accurately pinpoint the most likely mentors. We model the productivity ratio of more than 1000 developer pairs involved in the succession to test conjectures based on the organizational socialization theory and find the ratio to decrease for instances of offshoring and for mentors who have worked primarily on a single project or have transferred ownership for their non-primary project code, thus supporting a theory-based conjectures and providing practical suggestions on how to improve su...
Audris Mockus
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICSE
Authors Audris Mockus
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