

Towards safety guarantees for service-oriented systems

14 years 9 months ago
Towards safety guarantees for service-oriented systems
In this paper I will address the problem of verifying that a service-oriented embedded system fulÀlls required safety guarantees. Services will be represented by collaborations among components with a varying number of participants. The services are equipped with rules for the instantiation and deletion of services, addition and removal of participants. Further a service’s behavior could be modiÀed at run-time. I will present techniques which are able to verify that such systems are safe with respect to a given speciÀcation. The sketched veriÀcation technique is able to cope with structural changes, run-time changes of rules and the run-time evolution of services.
Basil Becker
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICSE
Authors Basil Becker
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