

A Bacterial Evolutionary Algorithm for automatic data clustering

14 years 9 months ago
A Bacterial Evolutionary Algorithm for automatic data clustering
This paper describes an evolutionary clustering algorithm, which can partition a given dataset automatically into the optimal number of groups through one shot of optimization. The proposed method is based on an evolutionary computing technique known as the Bacterial Evolutionary Algorithm (BEA). The BEA draws inspiration from a biological phenomenon of microbial evolution. Unlike the conventional mutation, crossover and selection operaions in a GA (Genetic Algorithm), BEA incorporates two special operations for evolving its population, namely the bacterial mutation and the gene transfer operation. In the present context, these operations have been modified so as to handle the variable lengths of the chromosomes that encode different cluster groupings. Experiments were done with several synthetic as well as real life data sets including a remote sensing satellite image data. The results estabish the superiority of the proposed approach in terms of final accuracy.
Swagatam Das, Archana Chowdhury, Ajith Abraham
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CEC
Authors Swagatam Das, Archana Chowdhury, Ajith Abraham
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