

A Lightweight Architecture for Secure Two-Party Mobile Payment

14 years 7 months ago
A Lightweight Architecture for Secure Two-Party Mobile Payment
The evolution of wireless networks and mobile devices has resulted in increased concerns about performance and security of mobile payment systems. In this paper we propose SA2pMP, a lightweight secured architecture for twoparty mobile payments. SA2pMP employs a lightweight cryptography scheme that combines public key and symmetric key cryptography systems (ECDSA and AES), as well as a multi-factor authentication mechanism. These are coupled with a transaction log strategy to satisfy the properties of confidentiality, authentication, integrity and nonrepudiation. We simulate SA2pMP in a context of money transfer banking transaction, on three different emulators: Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC emulator, Sony Ericsson SDK Z800 emulator, and Nokia S60 3rd Edition emulator. We also compare SA2pMP to some existing mobile payment platforms. The result of simulation and comparison proves that SA2pMP is a lightweight secured mechanism that is feasible and suitable for two-pa...
Yunpu Zhu, Jacqueline E. Rice
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSE
Authors Yunpu Zhu, Jacqueline E. Rice
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