

Real World Routing Using Virtual World Information

14 years 9 months ago
Real World Routing Using Virtual World Information
—In this paper, we propose to leverage social graphs from Online Social Networks (OSN) to improve the forwarding efficiency of mobile networks, more particularly Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN). We extract community structures from three popular OSNs, Flickr, LiveJournal, and YouTube, and quantify the clustering features of each network at different levels of hierarchical resolution. We then show how community information can be used for forwarding using hints small enough to store on a mobile device. We also provide a first comparison study of the topological community structures for different types of OSNs with millions of users.
Pan Hui, Nishanth R. Sastry
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSE
Authors Pan Hui, Nishanth R. Sastry
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