

Inferring Unobservable Inter-community Links in Large Social Networks

14 years 9 months ago
Inferring Unobservable Inter-community Links in Large Social Networks
Abstract—Social networks can be used to model social interactions between individuals. In many circumstances, not all interactions between individuals are observed. In such cases, a social network is constructed with the data that has been observed, as this is the best one can do. Recent research has attempted to predict future links in a social network, though this has proven a very challenging task. Rather than predicting future links, we propose an inference method for recovering the links in a social network that already exist but that have not been observed. In addition, our approach automatically identifies groups of individuals that form tight-knit communities and models the intra and inter-community interactions. At this evel of abstraction and for a social network built from mobile phone calls, our method is able to accurately identify a subset of 10% of all community pairs where about 50% of the pairs have had unobserved communication between them, an improvement of about ...
Heath Hohwald, Manuel Cebrián, Arturo Canal
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSE
Authors Heath Hohwald, Manuel Cebrián, Arturo Canales, Rubén Lara, Nuria Oliver
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