

Summarizing visual data using bidirectional similarity

15 years 4 months ago
Summarizing visual data using bidirectional similarity
We propose a principled approach to summarization of visual data (images or video) based on optimization of a well-defined similarity measure. The problem we consider is re-targeting (or summarization) of image/video data into smaller sizes. A good "visual summary" should satisfy two properties: (1) it should contain as much as possible visual information from the input data; (2) it should introduce as few as possible new visual artifacts that were not in the input data (i.e., preserve visual coherence). We propose a bi-directional similarity measure which quantitatively captures these two requirements: Two signals S and T are considered visually similar if all patches of S (at multiple scales) are contained in T, and vice versa. The problem of summarization/re-targeting is posed as an optimization problem of this bi-directional similarity measure. We show summarization results for image and video data. We further show that the same approach can be used to address a variety ...
Denis Simakov, Yaron Caspi, Eli Shechtman, Michal
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CVPR
Authors Denis Simakov, Yaron Caspi, Eli Shechtman, Michal Irani
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