

A Gentle Introduction to TEX: A Manual for Self-study

16 years 3 days ago
A Gentle Introduction to TEX: A Manual for Self-study
"First the bad news: TEX is a large and complicated program that goes to extraordinary lengths to produce attractive typeset material. This very complication can cause unexpected things to happen at times. Now the good news: straightforward text is very easy to typeset using TEX. So it’s possible to start with easier text and work up to more complicated situations. The purpose of this manual is to start from the very beginning and to move towards these more complicated situations. No previous knowledge of TEX is assumed. By proceeding a section at a time, greater varieties of text can be produced."
Michael Doob
Added 18 Feb 2009
Updated 18 Feb 2009
Authors Michael Doob

Table of Contents

1. Getting Started
1.1 What TEX is and what TEX isn’t
1.2 From TEX file to readable output, the big set up
1.3 Let’s do it!
1.4 TEX has everything under control
1.5 What TEX won’t do
2. All characters great and small
2.1 Some characters are more special than others
2.2 Typesetting with an accent
2.3 Dots, dashes, quotes,
2.4 Different fonts
3. The shape of things to come
3.1 Units, units, units
3.2 Page shape
3.3 Paragraph shape
3.4 Line shape
3.5 Footnotes
3.6 Headlines and footlines
3.7 Overfull and underfull boxes
4. Groups, Groups and More Groups
5. No math anxiety here!
5.1 Lots of new symbols
5.2 Fractions
5.3 Subscripts and superscripts
5.4 Roots, square and otherwise
5.5 Lines, above and below
5.6 Delimiters large and small
5.7 Those special functions
5.8 Hear ye, hear ye!
5.9 Matrices
5.10 Displayed equations
6. All in a row
6.1 Picking up the tab
6.2 Horizontal alignment with more sophisticated patterns
7. Rolling your own
7.1 The long and short of it
7.2 Filling in with parameters
7.3 By any other name
8. To err is human
8.1 The forgotten bye
8.2 The misspelled or unknown control sequence
8.3 The misnamed font
8.4 Mismatched mathematics
8.5 Mismatched braces
9. Digging a little deeper
9.1 Big files, little files
9.2 Larger macro packages
9.3 Horizontal and vertical lines
9.4 Boxes within boxes
10. Control word list
11. I get by with a little help
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