

Fail-Aware Untrusted Storage

14 years 7 months ago
Fail-Aware Untrusted Storage
We consider a set of clients collaborating through an online service provider that is subject to attacks, and hence y trusted by the clients. We introduce the abstraction of a fail-aware untrusted service, with meaningful semantics even when the provider is faulty. In the common case, when the provider is correct, such a service guarantees consistency (linearizability) and liveness (wait-freedom) of all operations. In addition, the service always provides accurate and complete consistency and failure detection. We illustrate our new abstraction by presenting a FailAware Untrusted STorage service (FAUST). Existing storage protocols in this model guarantee so-called forking semantics. We observe, however, that none of the previously suggested protocols suffice for implementing fail-aware untrusted storage with the desired liveness and consistency properties (at least wait-freedom and linearizability when the server is correct). We present a new storage protocol, which does not suffer f...
Christian Cachin, Idit Keidar, Alexander Shraer
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DSN
Authors Christian Cachin, Idit Keidar, Alexander Shraer
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