

Dynamic Power Management in Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Constrained Stochastic Games

14 years 8 months ago
Dynamic Power Management in Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Constrained Stochastic Games
Abstract—Recent studies have been conducted to indicate the ineffective usage of licensed bands due to the static spectrum allocation. In order to improve the spectrum utilization, the cognitive radio is therefore suggested to dynamically exploit the opportunistic primary frequency spectrums. The interference from the secondary users to the primary user consequently draws the attention to the spectrum and power management for the cognitive radio networks. However, none of the existing research work proposes the power management schemes under the dynamically-changing network environments. In this paper, The constrained stochastic games are utilize to exploit the optimal policies for power management by considering the variations from both the channel gain and the primary traffic. Both the underlay and overlay waveforms are considered within the network scenarios for the proposed power management scheme. Constraints for allowable interferences will be applied in order to preserve the ...
Chia-Wei Wang, Yu-Pin Hsu, Kai-Ten Feng
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Chia-Wei Wang, Yu-Pin Hsu, Kai-Ten Feng
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