

Small-group learning projects to make signal processing more appealing: From speech processing to OFDMA synchronization

14 years 7 months ago
Small-group learning projects to make signal processing more appealing: From speech processing to OFDMA synchronization
Whereas lecturing is the most widely used mode of instruction, we have explored small-group learning projects to make signal processing more appealing at the University and in Engineering schools in Bordeaux (France). The projects cover a wide range of applications, from audio processing to mobile communication system analysis and can be based on problems suggested by industrial partners. After a state of the art in the area, the students develop signal processing algorithms and usually deliver new softwares. At the end of the semester, they provide a final 8-page report and present their work during a one-day workshop. The projects enable the students to experience cooperative works, which is mostly done in industry. In addition, they help the students to see more easily the links between the courses they follow, including project managing. The students are hence involved in dialog inside their own group, in writing English reports as well as in problem solving, analysis and synthes...
G. Ferre, Audrey Giremus, Eric Grivel
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors G. Ferre, Audrey Giremus, Eric Grivel
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