

Predictive power control and multiple-description coding for wireless sensor networks

14 years 9 months ago
Predictive power control and multiple-description coding for wireless sensor networks
We study state estimation via wireless sensor networks over fading channels affected by random packet loss. In the configuration examined, the sensors send their measurements to a single gateway, which decides upon the source coding scheme and the sensor transmitter power levels. The decision process is carried out on-line and adapts to changing channel conditions to achieve an optimal trade-off between estimation quality and sensor energy expenditure. In particular, if some channel conditions are poor, then the gateway commands the corresponding sensors to increase power levels and use multipledescription coding. Simulations based on measured channel data illustrate that the proposed scheme gives excellent results.
Jan Østergaard, Daniel E. Quevedo, Anders A
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Jan Østergaard, Daniel E. Quevedo, Anders Ahlén
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