

Optimal Sleep-Wake Policies for an Energy Harvesting Sensor Node

14 years 8 months ago
Optimal Sleep-Wake Policies for an Energy Harvesting Sensor Node
—We study a sensor node with an energy harvesting source. In any slot, the sensor node is in one of two modes: Wake or Sleep. The generated energy is stored in a buffer. The sensor node senses a random field and generates a packet when it is awake. These packets are stored in a queue and transmitted in the wake mode using the energy available in the energy buffer. We obtain energy management policies which minimize a linear combination of the mean queue length and the mean data loss rate. Then, we obtain two easily implementable suboptimal policies and compare their performance to that of the optimal policy. Next, we extend the Throughput Optimal policy developed in our previous work to sensors with two modes. Via this policy, we can increase the throughput substantially and stabilize the data queue by allowing the node to sleep in some slots and to drop some generated packets. This policy requires minimal statistical knowledge of the system. We also modify this policy to decrease t...
Vinay Joseph, Vinod Sharma, Utpal Mukherji
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICC
Authors Vinay Joseph, Vinod Sharma, Utpal Mukherji
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