

Delay Constrained Scheduling over Fading Channels: Optimal Policies for Monomial Energy-Cost Functions

14 years 10 months ago
Delay Constrained Scheduling over Fading Channels: Optimal Policies for Monomial Energy-Cost Functions
— A point-to-point discrete-time scheduling problem of transmitting B information bits within T hard delay deadline slots is considered assuming that the underlying energy-bit cost function is a convex monomial. The scheduling objective is to minimize the expected energy expenditure while satisfying the deadline constraint based on information about the unserved bits, channel state/statistics, and the remaining time slots to the deadline. At each time slot, the scheduling decision is made without knowledge of future channel state, and thus there is a tension between serving many bits when the current channel is good versus leaving too many bits for the deadline. Under the assumption that no other packet is scheduled concurrently and no outage is allowed, we derive the optimal scheduling policy. Furthermore, we also investigate the dual problem of maximizing the number of transmitted bits over T time slots when subject to an energy constraint.
Juyul Lee, Nihar Jindal
Added 21 May 2010
Updated 21 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICC
Authors Juyul Lee, Nihar Jindal
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